Thug Jug™
Director: Elijah Justice
Collection: Thug Jug™ Trucker, June 2015
Photography: Elijah Justice
The objective for this project was to create a graphic that evoked feelings of summer nostalgia.
The Thug Jug™ design is heavily influenced by childhood experiences. Growing up regardless of who it was, everyone loved these barrel drinks. Whether it were the kids in school, on the block, a post basketball snack, or adults at the gas station, no one could turn this drink down. I surveyed multiple people to find out the popular color of choice was purple aka Grape. After creating the product I decided to shoot visuals in childhood areas where I most likely would of had a fruit barrel drink.

Metro Hill
The Goodyear Heights Metro Park has one of the biggest hills I've ever seen. During the summer, my brother and I would go to this park and roll down this hill. It was also perfect for sledding.

Tree Tracks
Whenever my brother, friends, and I visited the Metro Park we always found something new. This trail of trees is located where some of our soccer games were held.

Hoop Dreams
Basketball consumed much of my life growing up. I spent many days at The Reservoir preparing for basketball tryouts the summer before I attended St.Vincent-St.Mary high school. All those long days payed off because I made the team.

From K-8th grade I attended a private school called St. Anthony of Padua. Before this playground was added recess was spent playing games like freeze tag and four square. This school impacted my upbringing and is partially the reason why I became interested in design today.

Tree of Youth
I lived in Goodyear Heights a good portion of my childhood. This tree has been at the park for as long as I can remember. It's located right next to the playground, so it was a hotspot for kids to hang at if you were able to climb it.